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CL Nagri - Official Blog

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lesson 5 (Additional Vowels Continued)

Another very important sound in Kashmiri as well as Sanskrit language is that of an "E" vowel in English. This particular sound is obtained in two ways, viz.

NOTE:- consonant is half vowel according to Sanskrit pattern. The same has been adopted by Kashmiri language. when used as Y of English is a consonant and when used as "I" and "E" is a vowel.


Anonymous said...

what about those whose parents thought it was not posh enough to speak do they learn it....

CL Nagri said...

Hello Minkoo, you have raised a valid query. Previously it was not an easy thing to write Kashmiri. Now with this revised script anyone can learn Kashmiri and they will able to write, read and speak it with ease and comfort. Even Non-Kashmiris can learn this language and speak in Kashmiri diction and accent. Keep following my blog.
Thanks for your comments.

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